Sunday, October 12, 2014

Not all APIs are created equally.

Automation is starting to become the new catch phrase in the networking Industry. It seems like 2014 is the year that marketing groups from different vendors have been touting APIs on their products. Skeptical networking engineers however have claimed that an API does not mean that their jobs are getting easier. In fact it’s been making their jobs a little harder.
Before a networking engineer could strictly focus on pure networking. But now, network engineers are increasingly required to know more and more on how to code or at least know how to read code.

Just because you have an API doesn’t mean all the devices can and will play nice with each other. 

We can see this by looking at three different platforms. 

OpenStack         Contrail        Junos

Now let’s look at their API for data retrieval/configuration

REST                  REST           Netconf

Ok now you have two platforms that use one type of API and a third platform that uses a different API.

Let's look at the resulting Data Structure response

JSON                JSON XML

Again we have two platforms that have the same Data Structure and a third with a different Data Structure.

You might say, ok, at least two of these platforms have the same API and with the same data structure things should be good for both of them right? Actually as they say, the devil is in the details.

I can illustrate this just by looking at a simple IPv4 subnet. 

On Openstack the data abstracted looks like this

{ "networks": [ { "contrail:subnet_ipam":  [  { "subnet_cidr": "",  } ] } ] }

On Contrail it looks like this

{"virtual-network":{ "network_ipam_refs":[ { "attr": { "ipam_subnets": [ { "subnet": { "ip_prefix": "", "ip_prefix_len": 24 }, } ] }, } ], } }

You can see that one platform combines the subnet with the mask while the other one separates it. For a DevOps engineers and Network Engineers this is annoying. It’s like having to learn different Network Operating systems. The goal of an API should be to allow a simplified abstraction layer.

APIs need to be standardized. Openflow is a good attempt at this. Openflow requires the underlay to have a common protocol in order to allow a controller to programmatically configure them. The networking industry has done a great job at standardizing protocols but a sorry job at creating a common API standard. Maybe the IETF needs to jump in on this. A standardized API could ultimately make our jobs that much more easier.

Friday, October 10, 2014

How to use cURL to spin up an OpenStack VM

I know this is a little long but there are dependencies on how this works. Hopefully you can understand it. The last cURL command is the piece that puts it all together and spins up a VM. The last command will spin up a instance called "instance1", use a flavor and an cirros image and place it in the "VN2" network


TOKEN=$(curl -i \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '
{ "auth": {
    "identity": {
      "methods": ["password"],
      "password": {
        "user": {
          "name": "admin",
          "domain": { "id": "default" },
          "password": "password",
          "tenantName": "admin"
    "scope": {
      "project": {
        "name": "demo",
        "domain": { "id": "default" }
}' \ | grep X-Subject-Token: | sed -e "s/X-Subject-Token: //")

header='X-Auth-Token: '$TOKEN
#echo "$header"

curl -X GET -H "$header" | python -m json.tool

# TENANT ID FOR DEMO = 6d0ebb466f01454e897e518289b3b785
echo "IMAGES"
curl -H "X-Auth-Project-Id: demo" -H "$header" -X GET | python -m json.tool

echo "FLAVORS"

curl -H "X-Auth-Project-Id: demo" -H "$header" -X GET | python -m json.tool

echo "SERVERS"

curl -H "X-Auth-Project-Id: demo" -H "$header" -X GET | python -m json.tool


curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "$header" -X GET | python -m json.tool

echo "CREATE VM"

curl -i -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "X-Auth-Project-Id: demo" -H "$header" -X POST -d '{"server": {"name": "instance1", "imageRef": "d5f30886-e8ce-4e89-9709-c49a40717b5b", "flavorRef": "2", "max_count": 1, "min_count": 1,"key_name": "xyz", "networks": [{"network": "bd912f99-c345-4f3e-8026-88e1dde42255", "uuid": "bd912f99-c345-4f3e-8026-88e1dde42255"}]}}'


I don’t execute the script and print it out as it would not look too pretty.

The most annoying part of this is all the curly brackets I had to dig around for the formatting of "networks" part as this was the hardest part.

I found out the formatting was like this:

networks: [{"port": String, "fixed_ip": String, "uuid": String, "network": String}, {"port": String, "fixed_ip": String, "uuid": String, "network": String}, ...]

Here's the api that I found useful:

Below is how it would look like if you executed the commands directly on the compute node. Note how image-list has the id for "imageRef"

root@openstack:/# nova flavor-list
| ID | Name      | Memory_MB | Disk | Ephemeral | Swap | VCPUs | RXTX_Factor | Is_Public |
| 1  | m1.tiny   | 512       | 1    | 0         |      | 1     | 1.0         | True      |
| 2  | m1.small  | 2048      | 20   | 0         |      | 1     | 1.0         | True      |
| 3  | m1.medium | 4096      | 40   | 0         |      | 2     | 1.0         | True      |
| 4  | m1.large  | 8192      | 80   | 0         |      | 4     | 1.0         | True      |
| 5  | m1.xlarge | 16384     | 160  | 0         |      | 8     | 1.0         | True      |
root@openstack:/# nova image-list
| ID                                   | Name         | Status | Server                               |
| d894be99-6c35-46be-b0bf-01149d724aec | c1           | ACTIVE |                                      |
| d5f30886-e8ce-4e89-9709-c49a40717b5b | cirros       | ACTIVE |                                      |
| 10a33e93-84da-43cb-862b-fbf0b0ea9d64 | ubuntu-cloud | ACTIVE |                                      |
root@openstack:/# nova keypair-list
| Name | Fingerprint                                     |
| xyz  | 88:c3:9d:32:d0:33:c9:1d:c3:9a:ed:cc:51:0c:55:30 |
root@openstack:/# nova network-list
| ID                                   | Label                       | Cidr |
| 4c626c1c-26e2-45a3-8fa6-336fb297ffea | west-network                | None |
| 3d608137-9e84-452a-9b9b-dd055f21a095 | right-nw                    | None |
| cfcd7fd5-4dae-4b0d-bf77-41df699e7bfb | vn-blue                     | None |
| c72cad3d-8f41-48a9-8ebc-73f6f4d8be87 | VN1                         | None |
| 80d71671-0b00-422e-911f-cb599e5b462a | external-floating-ip        | None |
| a8d51e11-34a7-4e72-bd91-7e51d7fbdc6c | default-virtual-network     | None |
| c9a0a923-d583-4513-b2b6-c2c6d805ff18 | management-network-poc-demo | None |
| f7681c05-30e9-4951-b2fb-1796a0b7c41f | left-vn                     | None |
| 3a156ca5-54de-4654-b344-5e75a1a4369c | ip-fabric                   | None |
| bd912f99-c345-4f3e-8026-88e1dde42255 | VN2                         | None |
| a77a4bec-51d8-4a6f-8e93-01d8e2d21512 | management                  | None |
| d4b022f2-88ff-4d63-84cb-c79b76153799 | network1                    | None |
| 632269aa-74ac-4306-820d-3b27835f5951 | __link_local__              | None |
| f2bc533f-ba1d-412d-a788-875670883e9b | svc-vn-mgmt                 | None |
| 1072c78f-f464-4a6f-91a5-0caac6cf2f26 | east-network                | None |
| 77c40c19-07d1-4416-86d5-1a00b2545a88 | public-fip                  | None |

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Is it the end of the TOR as we know it?

There are two driving forces that may break the TOR (Top of Rack) switch market.

The first one is the spiraling fall of switch prices. Competition among white box switch makers Cumulus and Pica8, incumbents such as Juniper and Cisco and new startups Arista are pushing margins ever so slim. Pretty much all the vendors sell the same exact TOR switch. Currently it’s a 40x10GE port switch with 4x40G uplinks with a Broadcom chip set. The only difference really is the Operating System. All this competition basically means a race to the bottom. I see a few outcomes of this market. 

If you’re an enterprise like Facebook or Google, you have the technical savvy and economics of scale, to OEM just the physical hardware components and put on it a stripped down version of linux that does specifically what you need. Facebook already has a blue print for one called the Wedge. This means, none of the vendors can sell to these customers.

Next you have a customer that is DevOps savvy, but doesn’t want to build their own switches. These can be startups or large customers that have a good engineering team. They probably buy a TOR switch such as Pica8 or Cumulus and automate on top of these boxes. They don’t need much support.

Last you have a customer who just needs support so they just buy a brand named switch. These can be large Enterprises that are not technical enough to program their switches. These are the Coca-Colas and traditional companies where technology is not in their wheel house. I mean does Coca-Cola need SDN? 

The second driving force is on the physical hardware side. Intel has announced the roadmap of the Rack Scale Architecture (RSA). They want to dominate the cloud computing infrastructure by providing mega scale data centers with a highly scalable solution. To understand what this means we have to see the trends of the current data center.

Currently in a typical rack you have several servers. Each server is usually kept in a server tray or server blade. If you break it down, a server has the following components. A CPU, Memory, Storage (HDD or SSD) and a Network Card. You might have some other peripherals, but you don’t really need them. All of these components interconnect via a PCIe fiber connection. Now this PCIe fiber connection is the key component.

If you disaggregate servers, you can create pools of resources. You can have a pool or tray of CPUs, a pool of Memory and a pool of storage. When you need to upgrade, you pull out the tray and  swap in a new tray of resources. To connect all these together, Intel created silicon photonics PCIe (SiPh). These have speeds between 40-50Gbps in a single optical fiber. If you think about it, a majority of traffic runs east and west in a datacenter. With SiPh you can send traffic, intra-Rack at 50Gbs. 

You don’t need a TOR switch because you can do this using a virtual switch and SiPh. You can bypass ethernet connections by connecting directly to another logical server over the PCIe connection. Why waste time going out an ethernet port up to a ToR switch and go back down to another NIC to get to a server when you can directly. You can shave even more nano seconds of networking speed.

Now you can say that traffic going between logical servers could eat up CPU, therefore you need a ToR switch to speed this up.  If you need hardware acceleration, then Intel could just place a Fulcrum Switch Chip in the rack as a resource. North/South traffic or Inter-Rack traffic would egress the RSA via uplink ethernet connections. Again with RSA, you could create a separate Ethernet Resource pool of NIC for interconnects. Some people may wonder why? I mean have separate servers does the job just nicely. Also with all the resources pooled together, you really need  DevOps team that can program the Rack. Well if I was Intel I'd target the Financial Industry. They would pay for the shaving of speeds that RSA could save. They have an Army of DevOps who can do this.