Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Using cURL to edit and delete RESTful API Objects in a Palo Alto Networks Firewall

XML is a very hard language to understand when you are first working with it. For example when you refer to an element like:


you refer to everything including the start tag and the end tag. The information inside the tags is text.

You need to keep this in mind when trying to reference things.

Another confusing thing is xpath and attributes. Take this XML example:

  <entry name="rule1">
  <entry name="rule2">


If you want to reference something say 'rule2' then what you want is the attribute value. You would use entry[@name='rule2'] entry is the element, name is the attribute and 'rule2' is the attribute value

If you want to reference the text value within an element then you would use element[text()='value'].

For example if you want to reference 'Trust' you can use member[text()='Trust']

This leads to why it could get a little confusing when trying to edit and delete specific values using the Palo Alto Networks API. Let's look at the following rule.

To delete a source-user member named 'acme\bob' in a group of source users
, use the below xpath:


$curl -k "\[@name='localhost.localdomain'\]/vsys/entry\[@name='vsys1'\]/rulebase/security/rules/entry\[@name='deny-rule1'\]/source-user/member\[text()='acme\bob'\]&key=<API-KEY>"

<response status="success" code="20"><msg>command succeeded</msg>

If you want to edit a member value, then you need to reference the original member value with member\[text()='<value>'\] and then use the element parameter for the modified member text value: element=<xml code>

for example using curl

$ curl -k "\[@name='localhost.localdomain'\]/vsys/entry\[@name='vsys1'\]/rulebase/security/rules/entry\[@name='deny-rule1'\]/source-user/member\[text()='acme\bob'\]&element=<member>acme\calvin</member>&key=<API-KEY>"

<response status="success" code="20"><msg>command succeeded</msg></response>

Below are all xpath expressions you can use when accessing the Palo Alto Networks api.


Selects the first three member elements that are children of the source-user element

$ curl -k "\[@name='localhost.localdomain'\]/vsys/entry\[@name='vsys1'\]/rulebase/security/rules/entry\[@name='rule1'\]/source-user/member\[position()<4\]&key=<API-KEY>"
<response status="success" code="19"><result total-count="3" count="3">
  <member admin="admin" time="2015/10/21 13:42:11">acme\amy</member>
  <member admin="admin" time="2015/10/21 13:42:11">acme\bob</member>
  <member admin="admin" time="2015/10/21 13:42:11">acme\calvin</member>

/source-user/member[2] Selects the second member element that is the child of the source-user element

$ curl -k "\[@name='localhost.localdomain'\]/vsys/entry\[@name='vsys1'\]/rulebase/security/rules/entry\[@name='rule1'\]/source-user/member\[2\]&key=<API-KEY>" <response status="success" code="19"><result total-count="1" count="1">
  <member admin="admin" time="2015/10/21 13:42:11">acme\bob</member>

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